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The 6 Best Places To Go Snorkeling In Australia (... And Swim With Dolphins)

With over 30,000 kilometres of coastline, Australia is surrounded by aquatic sanctuaries teeming with marine life. For both serious and casual snorkelers, this means there’s almost always something to see in the shallow waters and between the continent’s countless coral cays. For those considering a snorkeling expedition, these six snorkeling sites will open up snorkelers to the wondrous worlds that lie beneath the waterline. 1. Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia A very friendly turtle on the Ningaloo Reef (Image CC Jeff Andersen) This 260-kilometre reef boasts more than 460 species of fish. The beaches along the mid coast of Western Australia are worth a visit just for the various dolphin sightings; the playful creatures come near the shore to feed at dusk....

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